Monday, October 10, 2011

Pesto Part Due

  I make pesto out of anything green, and when garlic scapes were all over the market tables I used a bunch to make a delightful sandwich spread.  Scapes are the curly green stalks that grow from garlic bulbs- they are cut off before they flower to allow for maximum development down below.  They have a fresh garlic flavor and pleasing crunch, and can be eaten raw or cooked like green beans. 

  A jar of pesto is great to keep in the back of the fridge or freeze into ice cubes, and making it in the food processor couldn’t be easier.  I chopped up the scapes and put them in the bowl with a clove of garlic, some pine nuts and grated pecorino, then drizzled a glug of olive oil over the top. 

 I pulsed a few times to get it started, then let it rip while I poured a slow stream of olive oil through the hole in the top, until I could see the puree start to thicken as it took in the oil.  I tasted it and added more nuts and cheese, until I was happy with the balance.

  Scapes are not around anymore, but you could try making pesto out of all kinds of things, like spinach, arugula, kale, green beans, or good old basil, of course.

  I bought some soft bread and sliced salami, and hard boiled some farm fresh eggs- I sautéed up a few of the scapes until they were wrinkled and crispy on the outside.      

   Lisa came over with some sweet strawberries and we headed to East River Park for a beautiful picnic by the water, a wonderful way to spend a sunny afternoon!

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